SPLVM Virtualized System Meetup

Host: Mossaka

  1. Community hosted meetup for discussing anything related to distributed systems, operating systems, database, and networking. Currently focusing on virtualization, tracking course UCSD CSE 291.
  2. Schedule
  3. Biweekly Zoom meeting on Monday at 5pm PDT
  4. Code of Conduct
  5. Please use “Raise Hands” feature on Zoom
  6. Welcome to unmute or comment in chat at ANY TIME!



Firecracker is an open source VMM that is purpose-built for creating and managing secure, multi-tenant container and function-based services.


<aside> 💡 Serverless computing is an increasingly popular model for deploying and managing software and services


They are attractive:

  1. reduced work in operating servers and managing capacity
  2. automatic scaling