SPLVM Virtualized System Meetup

Host: Mossaka

  1. Community hosted meetup for discussing anything related to distributed systems, operating systems, database, and networking. Currently focusing on virtualization, tracking course UCSD CSE 291.
  2. Schedule
  3. Biweekly Zoom meeting on Monday at 5pm PDT
  4. Code of Conduct
  5. Please use “Raise Hands” feature on Zoom
  6. Welcome to unmute or comment in chat at ANY TIME!


Prof. Anil Madhavapeddy

Prof at University of Cambridge

Author of Real World OCaml

Senior maintainer of OCaml since 2011

Co-founded UniKernel Systems in 2015, Acquired by Docker in 2016, joined Docker and developed Docker for Desktop





  1. Monolithic Kernel: Drivers, Filesystem, syscalls all in the kernel space
  2. MicroKernel: Drivers, FS in user space, minimalist core
  3. LibOS: OS functionality in libraries. Present hardware resource directly to users, only does protection and multiplexing

Why traditional LibOS failed?

traditional LibOS has never been widely adopted due to difficult of supporting real-world hardware, and a lot of software drivers need to be re-written

What if we run LibOS on Hypervisor?